#1 Corona-Hop!
Rapsody - All Black Everything
Mic Crenshaw - Superheroes ft. Dead Prez
Dr. John. H. Clarke - A Billion People
Mortimer - Careful
Arrested Development - U ft. Ramiro Funez
Hopsin - Fly
J. Cole - Crooked Smile ft. TLC
Real Talk - Hip-hop & Women
Maimouna Youssef - we’re Already Royal
Munyaradzi - Congo
Narubi selah - Hookless 2
Stephen Marley - Babylon
Dr. John. H. Clarke - A Billion People
Too Short - Ghetto
Arrested Development - People Everyday
Tupac - Dear Mama
Inadequate healthcare system and food shortages
On behalf of Psoulradio.com, I want to express my condolences to those who have lost love ones to this recent pandemic. Of course, there are plenty of legitimate questions around the origin and manipulation of both the Coronavirus, and COVID-19, however, now that it is here, the pandemic itself doesn’t care about your race, religion or political affiliation. Thus, what we need now is international solidarity to help one another through this.
With that said, I’m frustrated to be quite honest, as I watch people in America respond, on different levels, to the violence that has come as a consequence of the Coronavirus and COVID-19. What do I mean by violence? Well, for example, waking up to find out you no longer have a job, being denied treatment from an inadequate healthcare system, food shortages, or being confined to a form of house arrest enforced by the state police.
Imperialist policies passed off as fighting terrorism and protecting democracy
For clarity, it’s not that I don’t understand the fear and concern that people have, my problem is the disconnect from the fact that the majority of the people in this world are forced to live under these conditions every single day. Not just for a month or two, but for generation after generation. And keep in mind, there is NO three to six weeks of nonperishable food and bottle water stored away in the basement. No multi-million dollar bailout or stimulus check coming. Millions of so-called third world children are also out of school, however, it’s not that their schools have been temporarily closed, they’ve never been opened. Far to many of them have spent their entire short lives digging up minerals for foreign corporations instead. What's my point? Much like the victims of Coronavirus and COVID-19, they suffer violence caused by a centuries old pandemic named imperialism.
Perhaps now, after experiencing a scratch on the surface, we will be able to empathize with those around the world who struggle daily against U.S. imposed sanctions and neocolonial (puppet) governments who keep their nations oppressed and under developed in order to appease Western corporations and to make economic exploitation...I mean, 'foreign aid' and 'investments' easier. Perhaps not having access to school meals for your children will encourage you to join the struggle against imperialist policies passed off as fighting terrorism and protecting democracy.
Their entire short lives digging up minerals for foreign corporations
Are you not just as concerned about the elderly in Africa, Palestine, Iran, Syria, or Venezuela? Next time your on vacation laying on a foreign beach, will you pretend not to know about the food shortage, lack of electricity and clean running water in the villages just minutes away from your luxury hotel? Hopefully, you will never again say that you can’t be concerned with “those” people way over there…