Women In Society
Just as the struggle of African women cannot be waged and pursued outside the context of the struggle of our peoples for the liberation and emancipation of our continent, so the freedom of Africa cannot be effective if it does not lead, concretely, to the liberation of the women of Africa.
Return to the Source: Selected Speeches of Amilcar Cabral
On October 20, 1972, Amilcar Cabral organize a gathering of representatives from a variety of black organizations in the U.S. Cabral spoke about "National Liberation, Culture, Identity and Dignity in the Context of the National Liberation Struggle".
Dr. John H. Clarke - Notes For An African World Revolution
In this book of political essays I have expanded the question by asking, "What is Africa to Africans, and what is Africa to the world?" Professor Ivan Van Sertima has Stated that African history has been locked in a 500-year-old room and figuratively speaking, there is a need to open that room and look for Africa..
Kwame Nkrumah Speaks in Addis Ababa (1963)
While many often echo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's call for Africa to Unite, most have never actually read his historic speech. Given at a meeting of thirty two (32) African Heads of States, Dr. Nkrumah stressed with urgency the need to immediately form a continental Union of African States to advert the snares of neocolonialism. His warning was ignored. 58 years later, Dr. Nkrumah has been proven right!