Colonial Violence

Community, collective
cooperation, and a preservation
of culture and justice.

You have two nations that collide in conflict. One the colonizer the other the colonized. The colonizer, in order to successfully pursue its economic and geopolitical agenda, must first, reconcile the cultural practices, moral or value systems, and the philosophical disposition of the colonized. In other words, the colonized nations tend to center around community, collective cooperation, a preservation of culture and justice, and most, practice an organic and harmonious relationship with their natural environment. well, these characteristics are contrary and represent stumbling blocks to the capitalist aspirations of the colonizer. So how does he reconcile this?
Through violence! Or what Frantz Fanon describes as COLONIAL VIOLENCE.
Yes! It is the colonizer that initiate the violence in this clash of nations as he attempt to subjugate an otherwise free and self determined people. Who can deny the obvious physical violence imposed through military invasions and occupation, assassinations, coup d'etat, and drone attacks? Or, the daily trauma and brutality inflicted by the state police as they “protect” the private property, and “serve” the interest of the colonizer by enforcing his colonial policies? No one can deny it.

It is the colonizer that initiate the violence

But family, It’s important to understand that the colonizer would not succeed with brute force alone. Think about it….physical violence alone would ensure that the colonized were in a constant state of rage and resistance with no illusions as to who the enemy was. There would be no “Peace” to ensure 'business as usual' within the capitalist economy. Thus we should not understand COLONIAL VIOLENCE as simply physical. COLONIAL VIOLENCE also includes, for example:
*Educational Violence. Twelve to seventeen years of coercive indoctrination; teaching us to view our colonial subjugation as normal; to hate our African Identity. Demanding patriotism and loyalty to the very system responsible for the disruption and continued dysfunction of our collective African nation . Teaching our children that their Ancestors were nothing more than uncivilized pagans and slaves? Yeah, educational violence.

banning natural hairstyles in their Christian schools

 *Economic Violence. Three hundred years of free human labor and natural resources stolen from our home land (African) to build this country. The continued theft of our raw minerals i.e., coltan, diamond, sugar, salt, gold, iron, cobalt, uranium, copper, bauxite, silver, petroleum, and cocoa bean etc., which produce enormous profits for White corporations, while Black people suffer a wealth disparity ten times that of White people. Yes, economic violence.
We could also talk about health violence, or political violence, and of course cultural violence, like banning our babies from wearing natural hairstyles in their Christian schools.

Organize, under revolutionary theory to DECOLONIZE our nation!

Family, please understand, COLONIAL VIOLENCE, in all of its manifestations, is an absolute consequence of being colonized. We have to move beyond asking WHY THEY KEEP DOING THIS TO US? WHY IS THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY COVERING UP THE CRIME?…..If we’re truly tired of seeing cops shoot our children down like animals, then we must organize, under revolutionary theory, and work to DECOLONIZE our nation! It’s been longggg enough fam. Continuing to beg the system to arrest a few cops will not end our suffering. Just as voting, praying, wearing dashikis, earning degrees and six figure incomes have not brought an end to this disregard for our humanity. We must organize towards DECOLONIZATION!
Frantz Fanon-The Wretched Of The Earth

Listen to this episode (includes the mix-show)


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